Context or Contextualization

A component of ‘historical criticism,’ which amongst other things is a literary method of examining the ‘world behind the text.’ The historical context of the author and the socio-political, cultural circumstances at the the time it was written. Also, the ‘world of the text’ which considers its literary features. And finally, the ‘world in front of the text,’ where the reader must seek to interpret the theological, socio-political, ethical, relevance of the text in the present.

Mercy of God

The Name of God Is Mercy

“The name of God is mercy,” so says the current Pope, who is seriously big on the mercy thing. Just in case you are wondering, I am a self-confessed, practicing Catholic. Although, given my various misfit mystic musings on this blog and elsewhere, there would be more than a few among my Catholic brethren who […]

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All Ready But Not Yet

God’s Waiting Game: Already But Not Yet  

I recall one of my theology professors using the phrase “already, but not yet,” to explain the concept of the kingdom of heaven on earth. For Christians this has already arrived in one important sense with the deep incarnation of the Christ.1 The God with skin on man from Galilee was all about the incoming

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Christian Pacifists

God of Peace

It is entirely appropriate that the Christians who adopt an active pacifist life, model their commitment on the life of the God with skin on man from Galilee, Jesus. He is for Christians the quintessential pacifist par excellence.  Difficulty arises, however, when one enters the vast and varied terrain of Hebrew scripture. It is there

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