
The Hebrew prophets were especially focused on calling the Israelites back into covenant relationship with Yahweh (God). Of particular concern to the prophets, were breaches of covenant resulting from ‘injustice to the poor’ and ‘apostasy’ (worship of other gods).

Audacious Freedom and Peace Dreamers

For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. – Nelson Mandela. These past few days, my misfit mystic musing has been on:  In days to come, the mountain of God’s house shall be established on the highest mountains…

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Spiritual Hunger Games

Wilderness Walking: Hunger Games 

Let me begin with an inconvenient truth about this crazy life that we are all stumbling through together. Pretty much everyone eventually gets to spend some time in the wilderness! If, like me, wilderness becomes part of your lived experience – embrace it – because make no mistake you are in excellent company.     In recent

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Changed Heart

Metanoia: Changed Hearts 

An old sober booze hound, friend of mine, likes to tell the story about his first day off the drink. Apparently, some nondescript, former drunk, crusty old timer, sidled up to him after at his first 12 step meeting and said, “Don’t worry son the only thing you’ll have to change here, is everything!” Metanoia

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