Prophet Isaiah

Isaiah was the 8th-century BCE Israelite prophet after whom the Book of Isaiah is named. This crucial Hebrew-Scripture text, is believed by scholars to have been developed over time by a school of prophet scribes in the Isaiah tradition. It is quoted extensively by the authors of the Christian gospels.

We Hold Heaven in Our Hands

Sing like no one’s listening…, dance like nobody’s watching, and live like its heaven on earth. – Mark Twain. Oh, to live and move and be like that! To be so free from the bondage of ego-centric constraint that we could live with complete abandon, here in the now, in Heaven on Earth. In truth, despite years of committed misfit mystic practice, I’m not there yet, […]

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The Real God Heal Deal

Preferential Option for the Poor: The Real Deal

If you looking for a mission statement, that defines the life and work of the Galilean, the ultimate ‘God with Skin on man,’ that they nailed to a tree. It is all beautifully crystallized in Luke’s gospel, right at the get go of his modus operandi. The ethic supreme that must be pursued above all

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