
The Latin root for the word compassion is pati, which means to suffer, and the prefix com- means with. Compassion, originating from compati, literally means to suffer with. The connection of suffering with another person brings compassion beyond empathy, into the realm of the universal ethic of self-sacrificing love.

God of Suffering God Of Compassion 

Under the lash of the kind of suffering outlined in my last post it is hardly surprising that many people have cried out to God in utter despair, perhaps for the last time, as their faith gets permanently swallowed whole, by the rage and pain of their suffering.  There is a branch of theology called

God of Suffering God Of Compassion  Read More »

No Mother Should Have To Bury A Child

Finding Meaning In Suffering

There’s just no damn doubt about it comrades, in this life there will be a whole series of devastating losses. To use the cliché “shit happens,” and for many people it hits the fan big time, regularly. Speaking to a very dear friend who lost her husband, my oldest pal, to cancer, during the covid

Finding Meaning In Suffering Read More »