Spirituality of the Heart

The great come-back kid

The Age Of Enchantment  

Sometimes you’ve just gotta get away with the pixies to see the real deal of the world.  There is no doubt that religious sensibility has been in steep decline for decades now in the West. The much studied sociologist Max Weber had effectively predicated this in 1917, with his oft quoted and deeply insightful observation. […]

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Universal spirituality

Spiritual Revolution In This Age 

There is a spiritual up-rising, sweeping through the land and its happening amongst the non-religious post-modern youth of this age. We are now livings in a time of ‘all-inclusive universal spirituality.’ This happy state of affairs is a fortunate derivative, a spirit freeing spin-off, if you will, of the political and cultural phenomenon known as

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Myth Is The Real Deal

Myth in Scripture: It’s The Real Deal

Without understanding the depth and meaning of myth, there is little hope of ever grasping the beauty and richness of the text in the Bible, because—not to put too fine a point on it—Hebrew and Christian scripture is chock-a-block full of myth story telling. The notion that we can discount myth as mere fiction and

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