Meditation Journey

Heaven on Earth

Heaven is Just a New Pair of Glasses

There is an anecdote told in a book by a sober booze hound called Chuck C, about an hour he spent over coffee with an old Jesuit priest that profoundly changed his view about where to find God. As they sat talking, the old mystic took to silent pondering and began cleaning his well-aged spectacles […]

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Finding God in all things

Time takes time in the God Game

What do we want? Answers? When do we want them? Now! We can all fall hook-line-and-sinker for the seductive modern urge for quick fixes and simple answers. Just “google it,” comrade, and hey-presto, the answer is yours for the taking. The spiritual realm has its own version of the quick fix game. This usually presents as this or that fella, from

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Meditation for everyone anywhere

Wasting time with the living Divine

I was listening to an old sober booze-hound friend the other night sharing about his meditation journey. “Find your quiet place,” said he, “then you’ll be able to walk gently through the storm.”  So what might this quiet place look like? The answer to that is it can take many forms. I know people who

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