Cormac Stagg

Mystic in the Ignatian Tradition, Writer, Poet and Public Speaker

There’s a brand spanking new set of tailor-made wings on offer, comrades, coupled with a God given primary purpose just waiting for each one of us. Once we find our wings and don them, we can fly high, helping other broken folks get their shiny new wings of compassion and other-centered agape love, fully airborne, too. Now it just doesn’t get any better than that!

A Vital Crack in Everything

“There is a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen. Eventually, we nearly all take a reluctant stroll down the boulevard of broken dreams. If you’ve stumbled into this unwelcome place, comrades, take heart, it might just be the best thing that has ever happened to you. For above all, this is

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Heaven on Earth

Heaven is Just a New Pair of Glasses

There is an anecdote told in a book by a sober booze hound called Chuck C, about an hour he spent over coffee with an old Jesuit priest that profoundly changed his view about where to find God. As they sat talking, the old mystic took to silent pondering and began cleaning his well-aged spectacles

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